BLUE La Caldera Barcelona 28-29 November

dirty (performance) Europalia Kaai Studios Brussles 22 November

dirty (Residency) Europalia Brussles 27 October-21 November

Fiesta (book releise) Foco – La Casa Encendida Madrid 31 January

The baroques, a film from the beginning of the century (film) Open Studio Weissensee Berlin 11 January


it doesn’t have to interst me (performance) Foco at La Casa Encendida Madrid 21 December

between what is no longer and what is not yet (performance) Foco at La Casa Encendida Madrid 20 December

all godd spies are my age (performance) Foco at La Casa Encendida Madrid 19 December

dirty (working progress showing) Foco at Festival de Otoño-La Casa Encendida Madrid 16 November

dirty (residency) La Gineta, Monachil-Granada 16-12 November

nO mE tienE quE interesaR (charla performativa) Centro Cultural de España Mexico City 29 August

Con Filtro (workshop) Centro Cultural de España Mexico City 26-30 August

The baroques, a film from the beginning of the century (film) Notafe Festival Viljandi  11 July

iT doesn’T havE tO interesT me (perfornace talk) Notafe Festival Viljandi  11 July

Dirty Room (performance) Festival Habitar, mostra de dansa Faura Valencia 6 July

Los Barrocos, una película de principios de siglo (film) trAmAs at Cines Broadway Valladolid  13 June

trAmAs (film program) at Cines Broadway Valladolid  12-13 June

Los Barrocos, una película de principios de siglo (film) trAmAs – Foco at Festival Domingo La Casa Encendida Madrid 1 June

trAmAs (film program) Foco at Festival Domingo La Casa Encendida Madrid 1 -2 June

Intimicy i sthe place (talk moderated by Giulia Paladini) Foco-La Casa Encendida Madrid 30 May

nO mE tienE quE interesaR (charla performativa) Festival Plataforma Santiago de Compostela 24 May

Los Barrocos, una película de principios de siglo (film)  and nO mE tienE quE interesaR (charla performativa) La Mutant Valencia 20 May

My only memory (performance) La Mutant Valencia 19 May

witH filteR (open class) Día de la Danza, Danza UNAM Mexico City 27 April

witH filteR (workshop) Danza UNAM Mexico City 8-26 April


Los Barrocos, una película de principios de siglo (film) Barcelona-Spain 4 Novemeber

performing with myself (workshop) Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre 16-21 October Estonia

performing with myself (workshop) MA in contemporary physical performance making CPPM Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre 2-14 October Tallin-Estonia

nO mE tienE quE interesaR (lecture performance) Cátedra de Teatralidades Expandidas, Museo Reina Sofía Madrid 30 September

Distinguished piece nº59 by La Ribot (performer) Noche del Patrimonio Santiago de Compostela-Spain

performing with myself (workshp) Master en práctica escénica y cultura visual Marid-Spain 18-21 September

This Is still Not Normal Exhibition Skyn, Zitadelle Berlin-Grmany 25 February

Rhythm Is The Place (premiere) Radialsystem Berlin-Germany 16-19 February

Rhythm Is The Place (residency) Kunstencentrum BUDA-Kortrijk-Belgium 30 January – 12 Februry


Rhythm Is The Place (pre premiere) Festival NEXT Espace Pasolini Valenciennes-France 28-29 November

Rhythm Is The Place (residency) Espace Pasolini Valenciennes-France 21-27 November

Rhythm Is The Place (creation) Berlin- Germany November-January

This Is still Not Normal (premiere) Tanzfabrik – Ufer Studio, Berlin-Germany 5-11 September

This Is still Not Normal (residency) Tanzfabrik – Ufer Studio, Berlin (Germany) 29-4 September

This Is still Not Normal (premiere) Radialsystem Berlin-Germany 25-28 August

This Is still Not Normal (creation) 8-21 August, Berlin

Performing with myself (workshop) Giessen-Germany 18-30 July


This is not normal (premiere) Internationales Sommerfestival Kampnagel, Hamburg (Germany). 04-21 August.

This is not normal (residency) Internationales Sommerfestival Kampnagel, Hamburg (Germany). 12 July -3 August.

Dirty Room (workshop) Máster – Pensamiento y Creción Escénica Contemporánea. Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Castilla y León, Valladolid (Spain) 2-3 July

Some one is feeling (take care redisency) Kampnagel, Hamburg (Germany). 17th-23th May

Dirty Room (perfornace) Jornadas Cuerpo de Valores LAV, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain), 15 May

Jornadas Cuerpo de Valores LAV (seminar) Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain) 14-15 May


Blue (projection) Ciclo “La memoria escénica y el ahora” Centro Conde Duque, Madrid (Spain) 30 November

Dirty Room (workshop) Escuela de Invierno, Centro Conde Duque, Madrid (Spain) 24 novermber

Between you and me (PREMIERE) Teatros del Canal, Madrid (Spain), 19-21 November

Residency (between you and me) Teatros del Canal, Madrid (Spain), 26 October-16 November

Dirty Room (workshop) Dance Nucleus, Singapore, 12-16 October

Tálamo (PREMIERE) Centro Conde Duque, Madrid (Spain), 1-3 October

Residency (Tálamo) Centro Conde Duque, Madrid (Spain), 14-27 September

Residency (Tálamo) Graner, Barcelona (Spain), 7-13 September

Residency (Tálamo) Kunstencentrum BUDA-Kortrijk (Belgium), 31 august-6 September

My Only Memory (in pieces) “instalation” at New Empathies-Radialsystem, Berlin (Germany) 27-30 August

Dirty Room (perfornace) Notafe, Viljiandi (Estonia), 8 August

My Only Memory New Empathies-far from a distance/Radialsystem, Berlin (Germany) 2 May

Residency (Tálamo) Tanzfabrik-Berlin apap (Germany), 02-22 March

Residency (between you an me) Leal.lav  La Laguna, Tenerife (Spain), 10-29 February


My only Memory Hacer historia(s) 2019 La Poderosa, El Mercat de las Flors, Barcelona (Spain). 1 December

Dirty Room (perfornace) Hacer historia(s) 2019 La Poderosa, El Mercat de las Flors, Barcelona (Spain). 1 December

Residency (between you and me, work in progress) Teatros del Canal, Madrid (Spain) 30 October-27 November

My only Memory Skogen, Göteborg (Sweden) 19 October

Residency (it-MATTERS, work in progress) Skogen, Göteborg (Sweden) 7-18 October

Between what is no longer and what is not yet Russafa Escénica Festival’s, Valencia (Spain) 4 October

Dirty Room (book presentation) Russafa Escénica Festival’s, Valencia (Spain) 4 October

Dirty Room (workshop) Russafa Escénica Festival’s, Valencia (Spain) 2-3 October

Dirty Room (book presentation) Skogen-Göteborg (Sweden) 26 September

Manyone Skogen-Göteborg (Sweden) 23-29 September

Residency (it-MATTERS, work in progress) Tanzfabrik-Berlin apap (Germany) 2-15 Spetember

Residency (between you and me, work in progress) apap, Tanzfabrik-Berlin (Germany) 1-18 August

Residency (between you and me, work in progress) Graner-Barcelna (Spain) 8-21 July

Clean Room season 1 MACBA Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona (Spain) 30-4 May

Between what is no longer and what is not yet Festival Palma Dansa Palma de Mallorca (Spain) 25 April

Dirty Room (workshop) Festival Palma Dansa. 23-24 April

Between what is no longer and what is not yet Leal.lav La Laguna, Tenerife (Spain)  14 April

My Only Memory Leal.lav La Laguna, Tenerife (Spain)  11 April

Residency (it-MATTERS work in progress) Leal.lav  La Laguna, Tenerife (Spain) 1-21 April

Characters arriving. Cuartel del Conde Duque, Madrid (Spain) 22-23 March

Residency ( between you and me working progress) Zarzalejo (Spain) 11-30 March

Estudio Primera edición Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid (Spain) 16-17 January


Workshop. Festival  CAMP_iN, San Luis Potosí (Mexico). 12-16 December.

Between what is no longer and what is not yet Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 7-8-9 December

Workshop Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 3-4-5 December

My only Memory. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 30-1-2 December

Between what is no longer and what is not yet Festival CUATRO x CUATRO, San Cristobal de las Casas-Chiapas (México). 22 November

Between what is no longer and what is not yet Teatro Solís. Centro Cultural de España, Montevideo (Uruguay) 16 November

Between what is no longer and what is not yet Buenos Aires (Argentina). 10 November

Dirty Room (workshop) Buenos Aires (Argentina). 5-10 November

Between what is no longer and what is not yet DocumentA. Centro Cultural España, Córdoba (Argentnina) 2 november

Dirty Room (workshop) DocumentA. Centro Cultural España, Córdoba (Argentnina) 2-3-4 november

Between what is no longer and what is not yet Centro Cultural de España Juan De Salazar, Asunción (Paraguay) 31 October

Dirty Room (workshop) Centro Cultural de España Juan De Salazar, Asunción (Paraguay) 30 October

Between what is no longer and what is not yet ENCUENTROS INDISCIPLINADOS. Lima (Perú). 25-26 October

Dirty Room (workshop) ENCUENTROS INDISCIPLINADOS. October Lima (Perú) 22-28 October

Between what is no longer and what is not yet Bulegoa-Festival Bad, Bilbao (Spain) 19 October

My Only Memory Festival Bad, Bilbao (Spain) 18 October

Dirty Room. Dame Cuartelillo, Conce Duque, Madrid (Spain) 13-14 October

My Only Memory Kaaitheatre, Brussels (Belgium) 28-29 September

Between what is no longer and what is not yet Short Theatre, Rome (Italy) 6-7 September

Between what is no longer and what is not yet Far Festival. Nyon (Switzerland) 17-18 August

Workshop La Caldera Barcelona (Spain) 25-29 July

My Only Memory Tanzfabrik-Berlin (Germany) 18-21 July

Our Only Memory (workshope) Notafe Festival Viijandi (Stonia) 9-14 July

My Only Memory  Notafe Festival Viijandi (Stonia) 8 July

My Only Memory BUDA, Kortrijk (Belgium) 16 June

Coaching. DAS graduate school Amsterdam (Holland) 1-2-3 june

My Only Memory (PREMIERE) Teatros del Canal, Madrid (Spain). 30-31 May

My Only Memory (residency working progress) Kunstencentrum BUDA-Kortrijk (Belgium) May

My Only Memory (residency working progress) apap, Tanzfabrik-Berlin (Germany) April

My Only Memory (working progress) Tanzfabrik-Berlin (Germany) March

Artist talk between Juan Domiguez and Mette Edvardsen. Skogen, Göteborg, (Sweden) 2 March.

Between what is no longer and what is not yet Skogen, Göteborg, (Sweden) 2-3 March.

Between what is no longer and what is not yet LARVA (Laboratorio de Arte Variedades) Guadalajara (Mexico). 6 February.

Clean Room Work Session Como Encender un Fósforo postgraduate. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 21 January.


Between what is no longer and what is not yet Festival  CAMP_iN San Luis Potosí (Mexico). 16 December.

Dirty Room (Workshop) Centro de las artes de San Luis Potosí (Mexico). 4-9 December.

Between what is no longer and what is not yet Festival NIDO (Uruguay). 19 November.

Clean Room Season 1 Festival NIDO (Uruguay). 13-19 November.

My Only Memory (residency) Campo Abierto, Ribera-Uruguay. November.

Conversation with Mette Edvardsen and Juan Dominguez. Black Box teater- Oslo (Norway) 14 October.

Between what is no longer and what is not yet Black Box Teater – Oslo (Norway) 13 October.

Between what is no longer and what is not yet Porto (Portugal) 6 October.

Artistic Practice Symposium 2ª Edition Porto (Portugal) 3-6 October.

DIRTY ROOM (book launch) La Casa Encendida – Madrid (Spain) 29 September.

Between what is no longer and what is not yet Internationales Sommerfestival Kampnagel, Hamburg (Germany). 10-11 August.

Avant-Garten Festival (premiere). Internationales Sommerfestival Kampnagel, Hamburg (Germany).9 – 26 August.

Between what is no longer and what is not yet Notafe Festival Viijandi (Stonia) 7-14 July.

Unfolding Sensitivities (workshop) Notafe Festival Viijandi (Stonia) 7-14 July.

Spacing-Time Avant-Garten Festival (try out) Ausufern-Berlin (Germany) 4th July.

Dirty Room (book launch)  a.pass seminar “The Document Transformed”, La Bellone-Brussels (Belgium) 24th June

Between what is no longer and what is not yet. La Casa Encendida, Madrid (Spain) 27-28 May

Between what is no longer and what is not yet. Centro Párraga, Murcia (Spain) 6 May.

Unfolding Sensitivities (workshope) . MA in Performing Arts Practice and Visual Culture, Madrid (Spain). 6-10 February.

Between what is no longer and what is not yet. Escenas Do Cambio, Santiago de Compostela, (Spain). 2 February.

Between what is no longer and what is not yet. Living Room Festival-Madrid (Spain). 4 January.


Between what is no longer and what is not yet. Kaistudios, Brussels. 26 November

Clean Room Season 2. La Casa Encendida, Madrid. 16, 18 and 20 November.

Conspiraciones poéticas (talk-debate). La Situación 2016. Encuentros Cuenca.  La Facultad de Bellas Artes de Cuenca. 20 October 11.30h.

Between what is no longer and what is not yet.  La Situación 2016. Encuentros Cuenca.  La Facultad de Bellas Artes de Cuenca. 18 October 20h.

Between what is no longer and what is not yet. El Ciervo Enacantado. La Habana-Cuba. 27 September 19h.

All good spices are my age. Bertolt Brecht Cultural Center, La Habana-Cuba. 26 September 20.30h.

Clean Room Season 1. Alianza Francesa, La Habana-Cuba. Sunday 25th of September 15h.

Juan Dominguez (Talk).  Ateneo de la Habana-Cuba. Jueves 22 September at 6pm.

Between what is no longer and what is not yet. Teatro Prinicipal de Ciego de Àvila, Cuba. 17 September.

All good spices are my age.  Teatro Prinicipal de Ciego de Àvila, Cuba. 13 September.

Unfolding Sensitivities (workshop). Danza en Construcción, Ciego de Ávila, Cuba. 12-17 September.

Between what is no longer and what is not yet. Premiere. Tanznacht Berlin Gefährten. Uferstudios Uferstr. Berlin. 27 and 28 August.

Entre lo que ya no está y lo que todavía no está. . L’ANTIC TEATRE AL GREC 2016. Barcelona. 28-30. July 9pm and 31 July 8pm

Clean Room Season 3. Peremiere! Open Spaces #2 2016. Tanzfabrik-Berlin. 21. and 23. July.

Dirty Room. Reina Sofia, Madrid. 27-29 May

Clean Room Season 3 (try-out). What’s the matter with cooperation?, BUDA, Kortrijk. 28 – 30 April

From representation to conspiracy (in a parallel zone) – (seminar). La Bellone, Brussels. 14-15 April

All good spies are my age. P.A.R.T.S., Brussels. 12 April

Clean Room Season 2. Vooruit, Ghent. 22, 24, 26 March

The Notebook Without Content. BUDA, Kortrijk. 27 February

Public talk. Gestion y creacion contemporaneaLa Casa Encendida, Madrid. 20 February


Panel discussion. FID (Catalan Dance Internationalization Platform), Barcelona. 5 December 2015

El Triunfo de la Libertad. Théâtre de Vidy, Lausanne. 20-21 November 2015

Clean Room Season 2. Festival FIAC, Salvador de Bahia. 28-31 October 2015

Clean Room: public talk. Seminário Internacional de Curadoria e Mediação em Artes Cênicas, FIAC, Salvador de Bahia. 26 October 2015.

Shichimi Togarashi. Hacer historia(s). Cicle de retro_performances. Barcelona. 10-11 October 2015

Dirty Room (workshop). a.pass, Brussels. 12-22 October 2015

Public talk. Conference on Reflection, National School of Performing Arts, Copenhagen. 6 October 2015.

AGSAMA. Festival Transversales. Mexico City. 21 September 2015

Lecture: Spectatorship and other small complications. Territorios del arte, San Luis Potosi.

5-7 September 2015

Clean Room Season 1. Festival Transversales, San Luis Potosí. 26, 28, 30 August 2015

A room without view. Festival Transversales, San Luis Potosí. 23 August 2015

El Triunfo de la Libertad. El Lugar Sin Límites, CDN, Madrid. 26-27 June 2015

El Triunfo de la Libertad. Festival de Inverno, Santiago de Compostela. 7 February 2015


El Triunfo de la Libertad. Festival d’Automne, Le Centre Pompidou, Paris. 10-14 December 2014

Clean Room Season 1. La casa encendida, Madrid. 5, 7, 9 November 2014

AGSAMA. Festival Sitio, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. 18 October 2014

El Triunfo de la Libertad. Bonlieu Scène Nationale, Annecy. 19-20 October 2014

El Triunfo de la Libertad. Ruhr Triennale, Essen. 4-6 September 2014

Clean Room Season 2. Internationales Sommerfestival, Kampnagel, Hamburg. 12, 14, 16 August 2014

El Triunfo de la Libertad. La Bâtie-Festival de Genève. 29 August-01 September 2014

Clean Room Season 2. Latitudes contemporaines, Lille. 7, 9, 11 June 2014

AGSAMA. Casa de Cultura de la UAEM, Mexico City. 29 March 2014


AGSAMA. The Danish National School of Performing Arts, Copenhagen. 25 November 2013

A room without view. Transforma 2013, Santiago de Chile. 19-20 October 2013

Shichimi togarashi. Festival Danzaalborde, Valparaiso. 18 October 2013

Clean Room Season 1. C/U Festival, Warsaw. 23, 25, 27 September 2013

Clean Room Season 1. Internationales Sommerfestival, Kampnagel, Hamburg. 14, 16,18 August 2013

Characters arriving. International Sommer Festival, Kampnagel, Hamburg. 8-9 August 2013

Clean Room Season 1. Vooruit, Gent. 25, 27, 29 June 2013

Characters arriving. Secció Irregular, Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona. 27 March 2013

Clean Room Season 1. Instituto Cervantes, Casablanca. 11-16 March 2013


AGSAMA. Institutional Melancholy, Malmö. 17 November 2012

Dirty room. Mugatxoan, San Sebastian. 5-6 October 2012

Characters arriving. Teatro Pradillo, Madrid. 28 September 2012

Characters arriving. Short Theatre Festival, Rome. 15 September 2012

AGSAMA. Inmediaciones II, Pamplona. 7 September 2012

Clean Room Season 1. Tanz im August, Berlin. 12, 14, 16 August 2012

AGSAMA. Teatro Pradillo, Madrid. 6 May 2012

Shichimi togarashi. Festival A ras de suelo, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 20 April 2012


A room without view. Living Room Festival, Madrid. 19 December 2011

AGSAMA. Het Veem Theater, Amsterdam. 6 December 2011

AGSAMA. MARCO, Contemporary Art Museum, Vigo. 12 November 2011

A room without view. Nu Performance Festival, Tallin. 8-10 November 2011

Characters arriving. Festival BAD, Bilbao. 4 November 2011

Blue. Lanbroa ’11, Artium, Vitoria. 8 July 2011

Characters arriving. Premiered at Festival In-Presentable. Madrid. 10-11 June 2011

Blue. Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, Paris. 28-29 April 2011

Blue. Festival LP, Barcelona. 23-24 March 2011

AGSAMA. Bulegoa Z/B, Bilbao. 20 January 2011


AGSAMA. Living Room Festival, Madrid. 19 December 2010

AGSAMA. Universidad de Bellas Artes, Pontevedra. 13 December 2010

Shichimi togarashi. Festival Endanza, Sevilla. 11-12 December 2010

Clean Room Pilot. Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, Aubervilliers. 2-5 December 2010

Shichimi togarashi. Festival Les Inaccoutumés, La Ménagerie de Verre, Paris. 18-20 November 2010

Blue. La Casa Encendida, Madrid. 21-22 October 2010

Blue. Centro Párraga, Murcia. 21-22 May 2010



Blue. LiFE, Saint-Nazaire. 5 December 2009

Blue. Next International Arts Festival, Valenciennes. 2 December 2009

Blue. Festival BAD, Bilbao. 31 October and 1 November 2009

Shichimi togarashi. Xing, Bolonia. 20 October 2009

Blue. Festival Tanz Im August, Berlin. 29-30 August 2009

Shichimi togarashi. Festival Tanz im August – Sommer bar, Berlin. 16 August 2009

AGSAMA. Idans Festival, Istanbul. 11 May 2009

Shichimi togarashi. Festival Dansa Valencia, Valencia. 24-26 March 2009

AGSAMA. Festival LP, Barcelona. 19-20 March 2009


AGAMAAD. Festival NEXT, Valenciennes. 6 December 2008

AGAMAAD. Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier. 26 November 2008

Shichimi togarashi. Festival Mira, Burdeaux. 8 November 2008

AGSAMA. Nottdance festival, Nottigham. 18 October 2008

Shichimi togarashi. CNN, Montpellier. 9 October 2008

Don’t even think about it! Sommer bar, Festival Tanz im August, Berlin. 22 August 2008

AGAMAAD. Festival des Arts Vivants FAR, Nyon. 15-16 August 2008

Shichimi togarashi. Laboral, Gijón. 18 July 2008

Shichimi togarashi. Mugatxoan, Fundação de Serralves, Porto. 4 July 2008

AGAMAAD. Rencontres Chorégraphiques, Seine St Dennis, Paris. 24-25 May 2008

Don’t even think about it! Premiered at L’ADC, Geneva. 6-16 March 2008

AGSAMA. Cac, Geneva. 23 February 2008


AGSAMA. Casa de Cultura de España, Montevideo. 9 October 2007

Shichimi togarashi. Festival Belluard Bollwerk International, Fribourg. 6 July 2007

Shichimi togarashi. Festival In-Presentable, Madrid. 14-15 June 2007

Shichimi togarashi. La Fundición, Bilbao. 21-22 April 2007

AGSAMA. Les Beaux Arts, Geneva. 17 April 2007

Shichimi togarashi. Festival LP, Barcelona. 16-17 March 2007

AGAMAAD. Les Subsistances, Lyon. 19-21 January 2007

Shichimi togarashi. Festival Particules Theatre de L’Usine, Geneva. 11-12 January 2007


Shichimi togarashi. Premiered at Festival Lignes de Corps, Valenciennes. 22-23 November 2006

AGSAMA. Instituto Cervantes, Moscow. 19 July 2006

The Application. Theatre de L’Usine, Geneva. 6-7 April 2006

AGSAMA. La Fundición, Bilbao. 11-12 February 2006

The Application. Festival Escena Contemporánea, Madrid. 4-5 February 2006


AGSAMA. La Porta, Barcelona. 29-30 October 2005

The Application. Tanz im August InternationalesTanzfest, Berlin. 24-25 August 2005

AGSAMA. Split Subjects de Appel, Amsterdam. 20 May 2005

AGSAMA. Festival Escena Contemporánea, Madrid. 2 February 2005

AGSAMA. Teatro Pradillo, Madrid. 8-9 January 2005


AGSAMA. Casa Hoffmann, Curitiba. 23 October 2004

AGSAMA. Riocenacontemporanea, Rio de Janeiro. 13-14 October 2004

AGSAMA. Belluard International, Friburg. 3 July 2004

AGSAMA. Mugatxoan, Arteleku, San Sebastian. 1 July 2004

AGSAMA. Festival Exodos, Ljubljana. 19-20 May 2004

AGSAMA. Festival Your Private Sky, Bologna. 26-27 March 2004

AGSAMA. Mira Festival, Toulouse. 2-3 March 2004

AGSAMA. Festival VEO, Valencia. 14-15 February 2004


AGSAMA. Theatre L’Usine, Geneva. 5-6 December 2003

AGSAMA. Tanz in August, Berlin. 20-21 August 2003

AGSAMA. La Casa Encendida, Madrid. 24-28 June 2003

AGSAMA. Centre Choreographique National, Montpellier. 22 May 2003

AGSAMA. Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon. 10-11 May 2003

AGSAMA. Menagerie de Verre, Paris. 17-22 February / 17-22 March 2003


All Good Spies Are My Age. Festival Lignes de Corps, Valenciennes. 26-27 November 2002


The taste is mine. Festival Lignes de Corps, Valenciennes. 29 November 2001


The taste is mine. Festival Desviaciones, Madrid. 26-28 September 2000

The taste is mine. Théâtre l’Arsenic, Lausanne. August 2000