Shichimi togarashi


To go in close means forgetting convention, reputation, reasoning, hierarchies and self.
It also means risking incoherence, even madness.

John Berger

The piece is based on the journey of our first meeting (Juan and Amalia). We start from two separate wills that interact and find common sensitive areas through a drift of thought and action that produce a representational unfolding. Spectators are witnesses of how we behave in our own fantasies and how we reflect on the different realities. Understanding that reality = fantasy divided by the meters that you are separated from that fantasy.


Conceived, directed and performed by Juan Domínguez and Amalia Fernández.
Music by The jazz renegades, The Cure and Chaka khan
Graphic design: Andrés Martínez
Produced by Juan Domínguez
Co produced by Espace Pier Paolo Pasolini, Valenciennes; Théâtre de L’Usine, Geneva; La Porta, Barcelona; and Dirección General de Promoción Cultural de la Consejería de Cultura y Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid.
With the support of La Casa Encendida, Madrid; La FuNdicIOn Aretoa, Bilbao; and Asociación de Vecinos de Zarzalejo.